After looking at your personal style’s Pinterest board in the previous lesson, it is now time to create your own!
Create Pinterest boards for different interior design styles that resonate with you or that you really love.
Gather a variety of reference images for each style which will help you in your design journey.
2. Discovering Your Style
What if you're still unsure about your design style?
Analyze your closet for design preferences
Observe colors, textures, and personal fashion choices
Translate your closet insights into design elements
We did some digging on this in our workbook during the prior lesson, so take some time to reflect on those and try to notice if any patterns arise!
Now we will dive even deeper by working on some examples in our workbooks.
3. Mood Board
After seeing different examples and working through our workbook pages you may have a better idea of the look and feeling you want to give to the room you are decorating.
Use the mood board template provided below to put all of your inspiration together.
You can print out this mood board and put it in a place where you will see it everyday to give you inspiration and visual guidance. You could also add it as a wallpaper to your phone, tablet, or computer.
4.Get Inspired, check out the inspiration Pinterest board corresponding to your style:
Click on any of the styles below and you will be directly taken to a Pinterest board curated especially for you!
Create your own Pinterest boards for the styles which you are most interested in!
Take a screenshot of each board and add it in the organizer below!
Go through pages 19-33 where you will put in examples of differently designed rooms. Go through the questions and find out what it is you really love or don’t love about them!
Finally, create your mood board with the template provided below.
Upload photos directly from any device by clicking on the + icon in cells or dragging an image within the Photos column.
Clear template
My Pinterest Boards
Board Name
Screenshot of Board
Board Name
Screenshot of Board
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Mood Board
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